Wednesday, September 06, 2017


ABC Wednesday
September 6th, 2017

The letter is I, for INDIGO

by Barbara Strang

To achieve the
desired blue

the cloth had to
be lifted in
and out of the vats

in the heat
of India, Nigeria,
or Thailand.

Indigo, - you used
to wear that deep-dyed hue,
it suited you.

The name for the
spectral blue-violet.

as blue as
deep as your eyes,

the lashes a flight of geese
on the last stripe of blue as the
sky plunges towards night.

More I s here at ABC Wednesday
with thanks to all who maintain this meme!


DougPhoto2009 said...

Hildred, brings to mind “Mood Indigo” by Frank Sinatra. Thanks for sharing.

ABC-Wednesday said...

Lovely poem... although it is not a color I like ;-)

Have a splendid ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫

Unknown said...

What a nice poem about Indigo.
Have a nice ABC~week

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I was wondering how indigo was made the other day. I love the depth of its hue. Your photo and poem are awesome.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful words Hildred and it is a colour I love anyway.

Roger Owen Green said...

I love Mood Indigo


sanpiseth40 said...

although it is not a color I like ;-)

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