The first of April is the day we remember what we are
the other 364 days of the year.
- Mark Twain
In my haste to be the first one to accomplish the usual April Fool's Trickery, - and in my confusion at having slept late this morning, - I mistook the day and had Husband on his feet, looking for an imaginary animal wandering down in the pasture.
However, it turned out that I was the Fool, a day early, and now here is Husband, all primed up and reminded that Sunday is April Fool's Day - on guard and not likely to be fooled again!!
Ah well, Mark Twain probably had it right when he remarked that April 1st is just a reminder of what we are the other 364 days of the year.
It's when we Fool ourselves though, that it's especially painful.....
The philosophical bend in my mind immediately flies to comments and relevant concepts that I could expand on, but perhaps I have played the Fool enough already??? Who amongst us hasn't spent a least a part of our days fooling ourselves? Best to let the subject lie undisturbed and concentrate on the fun aspect of April Fool's Day.

Be sure to accomplish all your nasty little tricks by Noon, as I understand that is the hour when all jesting must cease and we must resume our sombre attitude.
I read all sorts of interesting things about the history of this light hearted celebration and the custom of sending people on Fool's Errands.
If you would like to educate yourself as to its origins here is the place to go!!

Happy April Fool's Day to all, and Happy Birthday to my cousin Anne, who has had to contend with an April Fool's Birthday all her life long.