It certainly wasn't the weather that made it so gratifying, - nippy, windy and treacherous ice underfoot.
But the library yielded a new book by Alexander McCall Smith - 'The Lost Art of Gratitude'
and my venture into the knitting of socks on a grand scale took off most satisfactorily when I reached the heel of the first sock.
In a recent posting I spoke about this splendid idea I had for making wonderful woollen socks for all the fellows on my Christmas list. The number of socks to be made expanded to thirteen pairs. Perfect!! I like things to be mathematically orderly. Thirteen pair of socks equals twenty-six socks, and by knitting one sock each two weeks (theoretically) I should be finishing off the last sock Christmas Eve, 2010!!!! You will note I make no allowances for contingencies, - they are not allowed this year!
I am making the socks from washable wool to save the washers of socks from shrinking them and becoming martyr's to Grandma's Christmas Sock Project.
As if this were not enough to make the day notable let me show you what I received as a birthday gift from our son and daughter-in-law who live away and are wonderfully creative.

A most beautiful wooden ring!
The primary wood is magnolia.....
The centre band is Ancient Kauri, - timber that is aged from 30,000 to more than 50,000 years. It has been discovered in prehistoric forests buried at the time of the last ice age, located on the Northern Island of New Zealand.
The ring is bordered by Apple Wood and Grenadilla (African Blackwood)
It fits perfectly and I am just so pleased and honoured to have such a lovely gift.
The ring with it, in the little wooden box that David also made, is one of the first rings he made some years ago. It is aged to perfection, as is the lovely olive wood ring he made for Charles.
A sweet brooch....

and a bracelet....

David and Nicola live a rather romantic life, off the grid in the Cariboo country of British Columbia. They send their beautiful rings to all corners of the world.
Vincent, our youngest son, lives there too, and between them and their neighbours they run a sustainable logging operation to utilize the beetle infested pine wood on their property.
A simple and truly authentic way of life, and they made my day delightful!
As are the blogs they write about their way of life and its accomplishments.
We are often overwhelmed by the love and time and generosity which all our children give us.