Saturday, April 03, 2010


Break the box and shed the nard;
Stop not now to count the cost;
Hither bring pearl, opal, sard;
Reck not what the poor have lost;
Upon Christ throw all away:
Know ye, this is Easter Day.
Build His church and deck His shrine,
Empty though it be on earth;
Ye have kept your choicest wine—
Let it flow for heavenly mirth;
Pluck the harp and breathe the horn:
Know ye not 'tis Easter morn?
Gather gladness from the skies;
Take a lesson from the ground;
Flowers do ope their heavenward eyes
And a Spring-time joy have found;
Earth throws Winter's robes away,
Decks herself for Easter Day.
Beauty now for ashes wear,
Perfumes for the garb of woe,
Chaplets for dishevelled hair,
Dances for sad footsteps slow;
Open wide your hearts that they
Let in joy this Easter Day.
Seek God's house in happy throng;
Crowded let His table be;
Mingle praises, prayer, and song,
Singing to the Trinity.
Henceforth let your souls always
Make each morn an Easter Day.
Gerard Manley Hopkins 1866

On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.  ~Douglas Horton

Pamela Kemke Digital Art

He takes men out of time and makes them feel eternity.  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

See the land, her Easter keeping,

Rises as her Maker rose.
Seeds, so long in darkness sleeping,

Burst at last from winter snow

Earth with heaven above rejoices...  

~Charles Kingsley

Ye sleeping buds, break

Open your green cerements, and wake
To fragrant blossoming for His sweet sake.  

~Margaret French Patton

Alfred Sisley

Easter Blessings

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Skywatch Friday

A day in the life of the Similkameen Sky

5.55 a.m., and already a cloud has put one toe tentatively into the new day, on the wrong side of the bed!

7.01 a.m., and there is a tender rainbow in the west, - promises, promises...

The afternoon brings blue skies and alabaster clouds.

And in the evening the stillness of a glittering moon.

To see what the skies are doing in other parts of the world slip over to Skywatch Friday, here.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ABC Wednesday

K is for Kokanee

If you are a quick listener this video about salmon spawning is most interesting, - if not, relax and enjoy the scenery and the picture images.

The Okanagan and North Thompson areas in British Columbia are famous for their spawning streams and rivers.  In September and October each year the local creeks, such as the one in Hardy Falls National Park near Peachland, are bright with  Kokanee returning to their place of birth to spawn, and then to die.

Creeks of all sizes are full of this desperate stream of fish, struggling against the flow to reach their spawning grounds.

The Adams River, which flows out of the Adams lake is home to the worlds largest Sockeye and Kokanee salmon run. 

A watchful eye is kept on the returning salmon run, and when it is at its peak in September or October the riverbank is crowded with onlookers to this most amazing and colourful migration.

This is not an easy journey and there are many obstacles in the way of the homecoming fish.  To assist the Kokanee and other salmon to reach their destination 'fish ladders' have been built and installed in especially difficult spots.

Fish Ladders on the Fraser River
Fish ladders built on the Fraser River have enabled millions of salmon to overcome a physical barrier, demonstrating the value of fish ladders as an effective way to modify dams. Though the Fraser River mainstem has never been dammed, human carelessness caused a near-blockage of the river in 1913. In that year, rock debris from railway construction at Hell's Gate stopped thousands of salmon from travelling up the Fraser's mainstem to spawn. Salmon runs on the Upper Fraser were decimated in the years that followed. In 1946, Canadian and American funds were used to build elaborate fish ladders at Hell's Gate, which saved many runs from extinction and allowed fish stocks to rebuild. Though the ladders were built to overcome a human blunder, they illustrate the good that can come when people intervene to improve fish passage upstream. Thanks in part to these efforts, the Fraser is still the greatest salmon river on earth.

from the Internet....

On a more personal note, amongst the first stories Charles told me about his home and the Okanagan Valley was the autumn adventures on small spawning streams that flowed from the hills of the Okanagan into the lake.

They called the fish 'Kickaninnies', and if the creek was small enough the boys could stand with a foot on each side and bending over scoop up the fish with their hands.

For more stories about the letter K visit here, at ABC Wednesday.
Fish ladders on the Fraser River at Hell's Gate.
Fish ladders on the Fraser River at Hell's Gate. (Photo: Rick 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A bit of this, a bit of that...

I am at the door this afternoon, camera in hand, and I call to the man in the back room "I am just going out to take some pictures while the sun is shining".

Down the stairs and six steps along through the garden, and the sun disappears behind a cloud - wispy in spots, but not where the sun is now!

Three days left in March, and recalling the lamb-like way the month entered it is quite apparent March is calling up its most lion like demeanor to make a roaring exit.

Neverthless, it has been rather a sweet month and spring has taken advantage of this and established residence, at least for a time.

Eventually the cloud that hid the sun drifted off and I was able to snap the apricot blossoms and the spring-clad trees, as well as a few pictures of Life in the Garden.

The tree at the bottom of the lane

Early spring bloom on the Apricots

Buds on a bleeding heart

The Hellebores prepare to say goodbye while the Perennial Alyssum  can hardly wait to burst into bloom.

As I was coming home from church this morning Sid and Sharon and the two dogs and their dear grandson, Corbin, were out chasing the wind around, throwing a bright red ball which Corbin and the dogs retrieved enthusiastically - the dogs had the advantage, but I think Corbin had the most fun.

Or maybe Grandma and Grandpa did????

I get to play the organ on Easter Sunday (and on Good Friday too) and I have been vacillating between practicing sombre music and joyous preludes.

I found a wonderful version of 'Morning has Broken' in the stacks of old music and thought it might make a nice Postlude change from the Messiah Hallelujahs.

And considering This and That, I am really pleased that Blogger has made new templates available, and love the one I have chosen.  For now, anyway.  There is a nice varied choice and I am finding it easy to manipulate images - check it out.

If (when) Charles continues with his blog of early days I will treat him to a look see and update

'From the Back Pasture'.