Thursday, March 07, 2019

Thursday, March 7th, 2019

And the mornng was perfect...

Mild and windless, the air warmed as the sun rose

and by ten o'clock, with the front door open

I was out on the front porch

enjoying the sunshine.

My son-in-law remarked it was a lovely day

to bring a chair and a book, and one's glasses

and enjoy the rest of the morning reading in the sun.

He offered to retrieve the round glass summer table

 and the two wicker chairs from the garden shed

and it was lovely...

One would almost think that Spring

was on the outskirts of town and that it would be appropriate

to welcome her with flutes and trumpets!!!!

About one o'clock the clouds began to gather!

Dang, - wrong about Spring again  (such a flirt)

At three it began to snow - and it is snowing still

Dusk began to gather the evening shadows

and I found the camera

and snapped a picture of the round glass table

and the wicker chairs

entirely inappropriate with their

icing of snow!

What will the mornng light reveal tomorrow?

Canada Post brought me a new fringe twister today

ti replace the one that is hiding in some mysterious spot

so whether it rains, or whether it shines, or even if it snows

the day will find me twisting fringes

on the seven scarves that hang over the hall bannister!!