Hard to stay indoors these days.....
There is a splendid glow around the Scarlet Maples when their leaves tremble in the wind and the sun shines bright upon them in the afternoon. My heart takes a small leap when I catch sight of them.....
Early in the morning the sky was cloudy, but when Caspar and I went walking the wind moved a small drift of clouds and the moon floated behind them, a large pearly button, almost translucent.
It was a housekeeping day outside, - we pried up the sunflower roots and shook the dirt off them, remembering how tall they grew and what a lovely haven they were for the little birds.
The stalks that we had removed a week ago still lay in piles by the pasture fence. Now they are interlaced in the fence wires, and what seeds the feasting quail left in them will be available for the winter birds.
Along the driveway fence, where the curly willow are establishing themselves, we tied and staked and promised a bucketful of good top soil around each one.
Lovely day, - the middle of October, and still the flowers in the garden are a kaleidoscope of colour.

And the skies of October - so blue, - so fabulous!