I met Norma when we started a business course at the McTavish Business School in Edmonton, where we both learned to be avid secretary material.
We were immediate friends - kindred spirits who spent many happy hours together, walking, shopping, biking, - lunch hours spent poring over cards and linens and china, all part of our romantic dreams..... holidays at the lake, carefree times, a
perfect friendship, on the cusp of being young wives and mothers.
We were on one of our famous pork chop-fried potatoes-niblets-and-a-quart-of-milk hikes the day we met Charles, down by the river.
So many endearing and enduring memories of those few short years before we both got married and our lives took different paths.
Norma was one of my bridesmaids, and was married just a few months after when Bud,
her fiancé, was released from a prisoner of war camp
where he had been held after his plane went down.
Bud stayed in the Airforce and their life was one of travel and adventure,
while we stayed home and farmed,
but we always kept in touch -
saw each other when we could and stayed close in heart.
And here we are - near to ninety, still friends, still young at heart.
still with some traces of awe and wonder.
Once again (poignantly) waiting to be re-united with our men.
(if that is the way things are...)