Monday, September 28, 2020

 Monday, September 28th, 2020

A beautiful autumn day, - sunny and warm, a slight breeze. and the wonderful scent of fall in the air.

The sky that gorgeous September blue - nary a cloud!

               A large stalk of asters, humming with bees, nestled against the Mountain Ash, and

                  sheltering the bird house - empty now, waiting for next spring's house hunters...

The garden is awash with these asters

and with these bright and generous berries that are so inviting

to visiting robins.

Aster Heaven!

a few fall crocus, here and there in the borders

                              And in the house - a bouquet to brighten the front entrance

                                    Love September......and look forward to October, as well! 

             Youngest son has mentioned a drive through the mountains and up the back roads -

                                            I have the camera all primed and charged,

                  ready to go down Memory Lane as it was with my Beloved in days gone by....