I was the one who got to sit in the car and read whilst in the City. Husband had an appointment with the Optometrist, (I always think its a little pretentious to say "with HIS optometrist) - and so he parked me in the alley behind the optometrist's office, I opened the car window to let in the sweet almost-spring air, and I settled myself for a longish period of relaxation.
Yesterday, in the Bargain Centre, Heather and I scanned the shelves for books that would be suitable for the library corner we are creating at the Church, complete with lamps, easy chairs and small tables. I brought home a boxful of books, and on my way out this morning I dipped my hand in and picked up one from the top layer.
What a great choice it was - the Rev'd Barbara Cawthorne Crafton's "The Sewing Room".

Published in 1993, but still a book of essays full of abiding truths, - insightfulness expressed with humour and "plainspoken eloquence". Barbara Crafton is an Episcopal Priest who, at the time of publication, was on the staff of Seamen's Church Institute in New York.
I was so absorbed and entertained an hour went by and it seemed like ten minutes. Husband reappeared with tales of his adventures in the Optometrist's domain, and we carried on with our errands. I reluctantly slipped the book back into my bag, but tonight I have been googling and as usual amazed and delighted with what I have found.
A myriad of books by the same author, and a great, long list of essays, articles, bloggy publications and sermons to be found at her website, The Geranium Farm.
As well a series of Audio eMos, meditations read by the Rev'd Buddy Stallings.
Just a Treasure Chest.......how can one refrain from dipping into it and gathering up the jewels it contains.
On the way home from Penticton I kept my eyes peeled for pussy willows at the bottom of Roadhouse hill, but alas, February has remained too cold for them to put their little noses out.

In the meantime, the last and longest of the amaryllis is blooming in the big bathroom, along with the summer geraniums that will soon need to be propagated.