While out gathering a posy or two to bring some elegance to the bathroom...Husband in charge of snapping these pictures of 'a wild woman in her wild, wild garden' - and I quote.
Saturday night and we are at the end of a week in which I advanced my career as go-fer/swamper/shoveler and an oft bewildered passer of tools as I try to divine what Husband is mouthing at me from the Boss's seat on the Tractor.
I am very green at this job. How does one know that when one reaches the 'ancient' years there will be this totally splendid dependence on one another - this marvelous togetherness that at once brings Contentment and Frustration.
I have one more week at this apprenticeship and then I do declare a Holiday.
The lazy, hazy days of summer will soon be upon us, - days to relax and read and sip cold drinks in the coolness of the porch.
The time to rise early to tend to the flowers and linger leisurely in the shade of the evening.
And all this spring enthusiasm that has stirred Husband and his Tractor (and his apprentice) will shower blessings upon us and keep us content through the long hot lazy summer when nothing of any consequence should be initiated after 10:00 a.m.
Sweet dreams (sigh)
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen