A snowy day in the Similkameen
the evergreens at the front reach chilly fingers towards the window
where Callie crouches, watching passers-by
and towards the west that strange bamboo like tree that grows in the neighbour's
yard and shields my kitchen from the setting sun is home to a
blue jay who flits among the tangled branches
but never stops long enough for a picture.
here is the home of the little birds who shelter amongst the
cedar branches and beneath a snowy roof
I ventured forth to feed the birds, and within five minutes of setting out the sunflower seeds and
the small seed for the smaller birds, the ground was awash with quail
The men of the sidewalk cleaners brigade are having a busy day of it, -
the snow is coming so fast and heavy that there is hardly time for a decent coffee break
before they are out with the shovels again.
They have sidewalks on the other side of the street.
If you don't keep them cleared of snow you are fined by the village.
There are compensations for not having a sidewalk
but I do sometimes feel a little guilty when I cross the street
and enjoy the fruits of their labour.
The white hats on the clusters of bright mountain ash berries
grow larger and more peaked by the hour
but inside all is warm and cosy and the stocky amaryllis that decided to sprout early
have nice Christmas blooms
some of the paper whites will be in bloom by Christmas Day, but they have been most
irregular this year - I look forward to them stretching the season out somewhat
as the slow pokes bloom later in January.
I have found it difficult to find room for all the decorations this year
but here is the Christmas Angel our elder daughter brought to us
over forty years ago, when she came home from Art School at Christmas break.
It never fails to greet friends and family with the sweetness
and loving innocence of Christmas.
A Merry Christmas to all dear friends....