Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Rainy Day

May 16th, 2019

The middle of the morning

and I let Bruce out into the back garden

to roam a bit, smell the flowers

and do the others things dogs are wont to do

in the middle of the morning.

I stand for a few minutes, breathing

in the wonderful damp air,

listening to the raindrops,

and the thirsty plants, sighing with pleasure!!

As I am sure the firefighters are, too;

the ones down the valley who are 

fighting the wildfire that is too close for comfort,

for many of the farmers

who tend great fields of apples and grapes.

To begin with there were 

beautiful, grey rolling rain clouds

but now a pewter sky is completely covering

what yesterday was blue and sunny!

Today is most welcome...

a little breathing space, and a time

to diminish the warp that is

stretched out in the space I want to beam

the threads for new, colourful, towels.

Praise what comes!!!!

Monday, May 13, 2019

May the 12th has come and gone....

It brought sweet memories

but also its share of nostalgia

for days gone by.....

As it was in 1945

Mother's Day fell on the same day

that Charles and I were married....

He had returned from overseas

on the Queen Mary

and landed in New York on the 1st of May...

made his way to Edmonton

where we were married in time

to fulfil the prophecies

of the song we called  "Our Song"

I'll be with you in Apple Blosson Time

A picture from the morning of

our wedding day

shows me in a contemplative mood,

but I had no qualms!!

It was a joyous and happy day.

Seventy-four years later, in 2019.....

alas, my darling not here to share in the endearing and enduring memories

but the children came,

and Mothers' Day was warm and loving.

We had rhubarb and blueberry cake with whipped cream

and lots of lovely memories of Mother's Days

and Anniversaries gone by.....

And I remember with deepest gratitude

the sixty-seven years, and the love we shared.

Life has been so good!