As a result of Chapter's After Christmas sale - (oh, much too good to be ignored) the Bedstead Library Shelf has expanded to hold a bit more choice reading material. 'The Gathering' by Anne Enrigh, 'Atonement' by Ian McEwan, 'Divisadero' by Michael Ondaatje, and two books for re-reading by Alexander McCall Smith. I have read them as library books, but now it is a joy to own them and to be free to pass them on....'Lover over Scotland and "Friends, Lovers, Chocolate'.

"Alexander McCall Smith once again proves himself a wry but gentle chronicler of humanity and its foibles." (The Miami Herald) and how comforting and settling it is to read him in these unsettled times. I am thinking that it may be necessary to spend a great deal of my time in bed in order to absorb all these wonderful stories....
And if I were to do that I can see a number of difficulties, not the least of which would be a querulous reaction from Husband.
And another would be a nonchalant disregard of the pressing knitting deadline that an up-coming birthday inflicts upon me. The reason for the Fearless Knitting icon on my Blog is to remind me I have only a limited time to finish a pair of stripey socks, and this is as far as the stripes go on the first sock. (These socks are for a two-legged granddaughter.....)

A great flock of probably 100 small black birds circled the pasture a number of times this afternoon, eventually stringing themselves out in a ribbon on the telephone wires. Husband and I had to admit that they flew like starlings, but hoped that a closer inspection would prove them to be blackbirds. Alas, no opportunity to confirm this, as they flew off to Cawston where the sun was shining!
Yesterday we made the journey over the pass to Penticton. The roads were slushy and the clouds were dour and heavy, but on the way home, as we drew closer to our own favoured valley, the sky lightened and I took some pictures of K mountain in the distance. A feat that required considerable dexterity and cooperation. We were snapping pictures through the window - a truck passes spraying us with slush and water - Husband activates the window washer, momentarily and with great speed - he turns off the wipers - I snap the pictures - another truck comes splashing down the road... and so it goes!