The last days of September have been full of a tranquil beauty, even as the leaves turn colour, quietly and imperceptibily.
I looked up into the Cawston hills late this afternoon and suddenly noticed all the deciduous trees which follow the water lines have dyed their leaves the colour of the fall sunset that graced the skies last night.
The garden needs to have a good trimming. Lots of tidying and dead heading demanding attention, but first the removal of dandelions and assorted other weeds that arrived with the marvelous soil we laid down this spring. I have taken to sitting on a stool to do this task, and when one little section is cleared I look at it with satisfaction and imagine the spot all planted with spring bulbs.
The spring bulbs are hiding in the hall closet......all except for the paper whites which are tucked away in the bottom crisper drawer of the fridge. They are Christmas bulbs, and are overly anxious to set forth on their growing adventure. I have grown wise to their ways, and know now just about when to pot them up so that they won't rush the season and be just a pot of limp greenery when they should be wonderfully fragrant white Christmas blooms.
I had the opportunity the other day of dropping Husband off at a Veteran's luncheon and skittering off in the car to the Garden Shop that is often off limits when he is driving. What a wonderfully confusing display! I was glad to have the time to go up and down the rows, filled with bins of daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and a great assortment of small bulbs. Came home with two larg
e bags, - mostly tulips as I did rescue a lot of daffodils from the Lost Garden last spring. David and I bundled them into pots and baskets, and they made a lovely display along the front of the house, and on the steps. After they had finished blooming and their leaves had grown limp and brown I put them in a ditch in the meadow, where they have, I am sure, been gathering
strength for another beautiful springtime display.
I found a beautiful new double tulip, - a warm apricot shade. It was it's name that drew me to it in the first place, - "Ramona". A song that holds a tender place in my childhood memories of my mother.
Next to September, October can be a pretty spectacular mon
th in this Valley.
Wild sunrises and sunsets that call for the camera to be always at the ready.
Since I ditched EGO a few months ago, I find I have so much more time to just relax and enjoy the overwhelming beauty that fills these supposedly winter years of our life.
How late we grow wise!!!!
Picking Apples, amongst other things.....Today was the day for the Big Machinery to come and dig out the bank at the back of the house, in readiness for the new garage.
Two nice golden delicious apple trees had to be sacrificed to the Big Machinery, in order to make room for this new garage, - as a matter of fact we have never owned a garage before!!!
This called for picking the apples from the trees before the afternoon's carnage. I am very sensitive to the destruction of trees, after the wholesale removal of the trees my husband had planted in the Lost Garden. However, I am also fond of picking apples, - have always found it a most pleasant occupation. Especially when the sky is blue, the clouds are white and fluffy and there is a hint of fall in the air, even though the sun is benignly warm.
When I was a child I read a book about an annual apple picking day at a boarding school, - for some reason I found the description of this day particularly appealing. I don't know if this influenced the way I felt about having an apple orchard and the pleasure of picking in it, - I certainly thought that boarding schools must be a great deal of fun .
I was up early and out with a bucket, having decided a picking bag was beyond me at my advanced age. First bucket was a breeze, - second bucket was still fun - third bucket filled up the box, and I looked at it with great satisfaction.
The second box was a little wearing on my shoulders, - by the time I had picked four boxes my eyes lit up and my heart lightened when I saw David, our grandson, trudging up the hill towards the house. Sent by his father.I was so grateful for his help.....
I disappeared into the house to collect the coffee for a mid morning break, and while I was gone the young one was busy filling up the rest of the boxes, both big buckets and a large yellow plastic bin.
In the meantime Husband was doing what he does best now, - making order out of chaos with the tractor.
While the little dog ran
around, delighted to be outdoors and invited to the party.
Until, alas, he step
ped on something that pierced his foot, and in the process of having it removed also got a bit of a haircut.Whining and complaining all the while!!In the late afternoon we all went for a drive and took this pretty picture of an all together different apple orchard.
Who can help but love September!!!