Going to shop these days is a whole other adventure. Where once the list was autonomous and I hurried home for tea time, or coffee time, or even for Happy Hour, now a trip to the grocery store is more of a social and investigative adventure. Leisurely trips down the aisles, examining the ‘stacks’, enlarging my knowledge of what the shelves hold now besides the practical and familiar items of the past.
There was a time when I refused to buy cake mixes, looking upon them with uncanny suspicion and feeling quite virtuous that all the cakes and goodies and home made bread I fed my family were healthy and nutritious and lacking in any of those long chemical names you now find on the list of ingredients.
As I slowly make my way through the store I find there are the most amazing time saving, chemically treated items lined up right at eye level!
Some I buy – struck by curiosity – and some I turn away from shaking my head in disbelief.
I lingered awhile today at the magazine section and was attracted to the Scientific American which had an article on Building Blocks of Memory, a subject which niggles at my mind constantly………
I brought the magazine home, and lo, I find it is almost as I imagined it to be.
The mind is a series of drawers!!!!
I was not wrong when I claimed the drawer containing the file of my old friend So and So, whose name was right on the tip of my tongue, was stuck.
There was a picture to prove it! In the Scientific American…….
An interesting theory….although perhaps a little whimsical to think that a little 2 in 1 oil
could lend some veracity to my aging memory.