The Devious Ways of Blogging
When I went to post my entry to Skywatch Friday I discovered that the Titivillus* had been causing havoc with my ability to compose anything new.
* Titivillus, the Patron Demon of Scribes who have morphed over the centuries into The Typo Demon, and now, it appears take great delight in messing around with computer programs causing the modern scribe to become very wily in their search to bypass the mischief makers.
I finally discovered that I was able to use 'Edit' and so I published a blank post, and now I am editing it and imagine the Titivillus dancing with rage.
First let me show you the fiery sky that brought everyone outdoors to ooh and ahh last Monday.
During the week we slid into July, still with the cool and showery weather that the gardens are loving this year.
I swear the Shasta Daisies are as tall as the proverbial elephants ear.
I cut down the Delphinium and will watch for them to bloom again in September and October. The Oriental Poppies are a tangled mess of sodden leaves and great large seed heads. I decided to forego the seed heads in order to clean the plants and make way for a second blooming in the fall. And the roses are coming to the end of their first flush and provide continual fodder for deadheading.
I love the way the garden changes, almost imperceptibly, - one plant finishes and another blooms overnight. It is the day of the Bee Balm and the Shastas and the Lilies, with a few shaggy hollyhocks smiling smugly at those in the family who are not enamoured of them.
Out the back the volunteer wildflowers make a gay pictures as they sway and bow in the breezes that have been blowing. Individually they are delicate in their silken beauty, and I plan to make a little slideshow to feast on when November comes and the days are dreary.
And the ubiquitous hollyhock!
We went to a dear friend's ninetieth birthday party and I learned how to make a delicious icing from instant pudding, whipping cream and milk....
And Barbara Crafton posted an inviting recipe for home made bread when it is too warm to bake which I will tell you about when the hot days come. Next week, perhaps, according to the weather man.
Even as they fade the poppies are heartbreakingly beautiful......
As is the Abraham Darby rose.....
If I can continue to outwit the Titivillus I will be back!