Monday, March 06, 2017

An Irish tune

ABC Wednesday
March 8th, 2017

The letter is I for Irish (tune)

When I got married many wonderful things
expanded my views on life

and I got gathered up into a family
rich in Irish tunes

Here is one of the favourites,
sung with melancholy sometimes,
raucously at others,
depending upon the supply of Irish whiskey.

An Irish Comeallya

A "comeallya" is a good old familiar
comfortable shoe kind of Irish song
usually good for a sing-a-long

This is not a sentimental ditty, per se
and one would not expect to cry over it

but memories bring me to tears.

For more Is visit here at ABC Wednesday
with thanks to all who maintain
this lovely meme

p.s.  traces of Ivan Skavinsky Skavar in this tune
you may find yourself humming it..
another "I"