Monday, May 29, 2017

Ukulele Part 2

ABC Wednesday
May 31, 2017
The letter is U for Ukulele (part 2)

Well, I'm still having fun!

Loving the Ukulele......
It keeps me company at Breakfast time
when we practice a few chords
and sometimes sing
"Five Foot Two"
which I can play now without having
to look at the music.

Here's a little poem from Sandra Beasley
that has a few words to say about the tranquility
of the Ukulele.

"The vessel is simple - a rowboat among yachts.
No one hides a Tommy gun in its case.
No bluesman runs over his uke in a whiskey rage.

The last of the Hawaiian queens translated the name
gift that came here
while the Portuguese historians translate jumping flea
the way a player's fingers pick and fly.

If you have a cigar box, it'll do.
If you have a fishing line, it'll sing.

If there is to be one instrument of love,
not love vanished or imagined, 
but love, it's this one.

Fit a melody in the crook of your arm and strum."

more Us here at ABC Wednesday
with thanks to those who maintain this meme....
it keeps me blogging....