Summery Days
I'm here to tell you, nobody needs to complain about a miserable summer!! What we are having is a hot, hot, lie on the beach season. If you are past that time of life and an afternoon on the beach is too much to cope with, then find a shady spot, a blanket and a good book!
Around this house we rise early and open up the house for an hour or two, hoping to catch the coolness of the early morning. I push a few buttons, - the coffee pot, the computer - and then Caspar and I go walking....
Sometimes there is a freshness in the air, but for the last few days, when the heat has been intense during most of the day, there lingers in the morning just a trace of yesterday's oppressive warmth. Nevertheless, today started with a refreshing walk, - an exciting encounter with three humming birds exhilarated by their first sips of the day from the feeders, and coolness through the garden path where the sprinklers had been running all night.
Charles works outside until lunchtime, - I can't make it past coffee time at ten o'
The garden sighs with pleasure as the sprinkler turns lazily, and it is on its own until evening.
The afternoon is for reading and napping; maybe tidying a drawer or two; looking through old photographs to pin up on three newly acquired poster boards.

A little conversation; plans to cut up some old silk blouses into ribbons for weaving when the trailer/loom room is cooler. (An enchanting occupation, - the colours are brilliant and the silk feels cool and crisp, - and besides, it is a plan of long standing and I feel virtue with each long length of ribbon cut.....)

I am re-reading Rose Macauley, and a new to me Canadian author, Susanna Kearsley. Her award winning book "The Winter Sea" tells the story of a dark time in Scottish history when in 1708 an invasion fleet of French and Scottish soldiers were foiled in their attempt to land the exiled James Stewart as the rightful King of Scotland. There is the usual romance, and a touch of the supernatural, - captivating and just right for summer reading.
And then it's 'happy hour'.
The days come one by one, and bring their own charm. The house is cool, and the hours pass is good!