Friday, November 13, 2020

It's Friday

and the wind blows frantically...

the branches on the willow

wave to and fro, and

the leaves scurry along the lawn

and the roadway.

Ogden Nash has this to say!!!

"Thirty days November hath,

Unfit for human living.

Including one Election Day

And a hide and seek Thanksgiving. 

An encouraging month November is

For burglary and mayhem;

It's night for most of the afternoon,

And P.M. most of the A.M;

There may be virtues in November,

But if there are I can't remember."

On top of it being November

(and all that)

it's Friday the 13th!

It behooves one to tread carefully.......

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Misty again......

                                                                    Living life dangerously...

                                            It would seem Curiousity banishes all thoughts of Care

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 November 10th, 2020

It has been a DAY!!!!

I woke, after a good night's sleep.  Showered, and let Bruce out into the back garden to stretch his legs,and whatever else dogs do when they first are free outside in the a.m.

Breakfast went well - coffee was warm and welcome and the toast slathered in lemon curd!

I went to the computer to check my mail, and while there took advantage of the quietness in the house to write a Blog.........

It was after this that mayhem struck!

The Blog disappeared - off into the blue, never to return - perhaps it ended up on the steppes of Russia, and someone might read it there, - but not here......   This is not the first time this has happened to me, - once before a completed Blog disappeared - flew from my house in great haste as I finished the final sentence.  I have no explanation. -  that I should be so forsaken over a few words, some well thought out sentences and everything neatly presented in orderly paragraphs. But that was only the first of my misfortunes.....

I accepted the fact that these things happen - mysteriously, and went into the kitchen to continue with the day.  Quite complacently, I thought.

Bruce's cookie jar was getting low, so I decided I would make some doggie biscuits.  I have a good recipe that ends up in biscuits that Bruce gobbles up as fast as his little teeth can crunch and his little throat can swallow. The recipe calls for whole wheat flour.  I went to get it from an out of the way closet.  I keep the bag there to make room in the kitchen proper for all the other things that get shuffled around when I am cooking.

Went to pick up the bag of whole wheat flour!  The bottom of the sack opened up and the flour flowed enthusiastically around my legs, into my slippers, over the floor, onto the mop and broom which were leaning nonchalantly against the wall, minding their own business.

It took a while and a lot of patience to restore order and when younger son came to empty the kitchen garbage can he was amazed at the amount of flour that had found its way there.  Well, amazed is not quite the right word to describe his reaction, - but it will do! 

When everything was shipshape again, and the doggie biscuits were in the oven, I was back in the room where the computer lives when my daughter arrived, and was taken a-back at the fact the dining room was strewn with dried white roses that Misty the cat had freed from the bowl in which they usually live.

The rest of the day has been fairly well regulated, for which I am quite grateful.

Elderly ladies are deserving of peace and quiet - but I guess that could get quite boring and so I have written another  Blog and am going to post it NOW, before it disappears........

I cannot go without acknowledging that tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and although this pandemic has made it impossible to honor it in the traditional way, my thoughts are with all those who didn't return home at the end of WW2, and in particular my husband's two brothers, Gordon and Tom, whose graves we visited in France.

                                   Rest in Peace - but they have been so sadly missed these past 75 years......