Tuesday, August 22, 2017


ABC Wednesday
August 23rd, 2017

The letter is G for Goldenrod

from the paintings of Sandra Baggette

As always,
when we approach the last days of August
and the garden appears to be a little tattered
and ragged,
before the asters and the sedum start to
celebrate September,

I have really had enough of the heat
of summer,
the stress of wildfires,
and the dry and lifeless cold
the air conditioner brings.

I am ready for the GOLDENROD,
the Rabbit Brush..
open doors and windows
tunneling in that wonderful
fresh fall air!!!

In the days when I used to dye wool for weaving
I would go out into the country
to gather the Rabbit Brush
and the Goldenrod.

I might still do that, but it is more likely
that I will just enjoy memories,
and Mary Oliver's sweet poem...

Old Goldenrod at Field's Edge

Ice upon old
stops me at the edge
of the field, how

this morning,
the still stalks

slender, exhausted,
the gray boss - 
all that is left of their
golden hair -

a crown of snow, and the rest-
stem and leaves - 
just waiting

in their glass suits
to fall -
or,  if enduring,
to see

the great melt, and the fields
tinged green -
and the lambs,
coming again from the
cozy barn,
with their crazy prancing...
how the cold
makes us dream!

The seasons pass, and the spring will come
but before then SEPTEMBER,
that I truly love..

along with the Goldenrod.

for more Gs click here to visit
ABC Wednesday
with thanks to all who maintain
this meme.


ABC-Wednesday said...

what a wonderful choice for G, gorgeous painting and poem also.

Have a ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Roger Owen Green said...

inherently lovely

Hill Top Post said...

A lovely post! "Fresh fall air"...sounds just wonderful, and we may be getting a week's worth during the coming days. Hopefully you will too...

Morning's Minion said...

My mother insisted that goldenrod made her sneeze, so I wasn't allowed to bring it in the house. My field guide to wildflowers suggests that there are several varieties of goldenrod, but I haven't attempted to discern amongst them. It seems to have bloomed early this year in Kentucky.
Fall is often a prolonged season here--so welcome.

Betty said...

Very nice. I don't think we have goldenrod here, but I believe I remember it from when I lived in NJ. How I wish I could open the windows, but we have A/C running for most of the year here. I'm really sick of the heat and staying inside all the time. I'll have to live vicariously though you.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh Hildred ~ this is such a beautiful post with beautiful photos and I love Mary Oliver too ~ thanks, ^_^

The Weaver of Grass said...

One for my Poetry afternoon I think Hildred - thank you. I have a large clump out in my garden as I write. this

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's a great poem. I am not ready for summer to be over though.

Joy said...

Yes everything is a bit tattered here too. I enjoyed both poems. Late flowers are ones to be cherished as the summer fades.

Unknown said...

Lovely poem along with the photo's.
Have a nice ABC-week.
Daphne, ABCW~team

Uppal said...

Sweet poem and beautiful images!👌

Ingrid said...

I have not enough of the heat of the summer because we had no heat in summer ! The Goldenrod is beautiful !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I grew that golden rod too when I was in Singapore. Haven't seen it in New Zealand.

sanpiseth40 said...

The Goldenrod is beautiful !

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