For the last two weeks, with little exception, the Similkameen skies have been despondent, despairing, dismal and gloomy. Just occasionally delightful.

Here is a photo from the archives to add a little colour to this dreary posting.

For many more and varied skies from around the world visit Skywatch Friday here, with many thanks to the Skywatch crew.
Gosh, what lovely views you have here. Do you sit at the breakfast table and look out on these wonderous valleys? I would be glued to the scene far too much. I love the pictures.
I can report that I just spent about an hour watching and photographing our resident Sharp-shinned Hawk. He sat or perched on my board fence. I knew they were small but I did notice the boards are a full six inches wide and he was not that wide. If the fence width was the width of a box you could have put him in and his wings or sides wouldn't have touched the edges.
Anyway, he knew I was photographing him and went out of his way to give me some unusual looks. I hope I was able to capture all of them. It was a blessing for me.
And, while he was here and did flush out some birds several times from the boxwood, he never made a kill or catch. I think he is "learning" as all immature hawks have to learn. He will get hungry and take on some larger prey but not the squirrels. He will have to be more reckless in his flights in and around the houses to surprise birds at feeders. And then he will have to make sure those long middle toes work and he can grab something on the fly.
I have never heard of the Similkameen Valley. Where in Canada is it? I wouldn't like all those gloomy skies but you captured some gorgeous photos. I bet its very pretty in spring and summer and especially the fall!
You will appreciate the brighter, lighter skies when they come. I thought your photos were beautiful, even though rather forbidding.
Love these mountain views - Incredible!
Awesome! Thhis gloomy sky is gorgeous.
Even on a cloudy day, the mist and clouds over the Similkameen are very beautiful - at least in your photos, Hildred!
I love the look of your skies, but I (too well) know how you feel about them after days and days of them. I love the alliterative description too. Here's to more delightful and less of the other "ds" ...
Sigh, lovely just lovely views.
Joyce M
I think your dreary photos are simply beautiful, Hildred!
What a beautiful selection of images.
All the best
Regina In Pictures
There is something about your gloomy skies that appeals to me. Well, the photos of them, at least!
We are so lucky here Abe, - for almost forty years we farmed on the bench land at the bottom of the mountain directly south-east of where we are now, and at the same level. And yes, these are the views we have from our breakfast table, and we are really blest. I enjoy hearing of your adventures with your Sharpie, - I am a very amateur photographer and admire the wonderful pictures you capture, and your interest in the birds that visit you.
I am ambivalent about your little Hawks progress in learning how to capture the small birds, but that is reality, alas.
Thank you for visiting, - Charles enjoys your blog as well. His second name is 'Lincoln' having been born on Lincoln's birthday and having an American father......
Wow what an awesome views. The mountains and valleys are one of my favorite scenery.
Looking forward for some springtime's delight.
Great captures!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a lovely day.
It does look cold and gloomy but makes for a dramatic picture with the mountains as a backdrop. Wow married for 65 years. Well done!
Hildred, your shots may be gray but they still look wonderful to me. I also enjoyed you unique description.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Much like our own skies here. Like a grey blanket. And very cold, and very rainy. Just the sort of weather to make Edward melancholy. He does enjoy napping by the fireside and I tell him he will miss that in August!
Brilliantly captured and framed pictures! This is the best part about photo blogging that you get to see the beauty of nature from various parts of the world... Nice photos!
Pixellicious Photos
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