Thursday, September 17, 2009

Skywatch Friday
September 18, 2009

Morning clouds and evening shadows in the Similkameen

More interesting skies for your enjoyment here.


Sylvia K said...

Marvelous, moody clouds of late summer! There have been a lot of them this Sky Watch! The skies must be grumpy about the approach of Autumn! Terrific shots!

Happy SWF!


Jim said...

Great use of light.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Regina said...

Glorious! Wonderful shots.
Happy weekend.

Dimple said...

Quite a contrast between these photos. Great Skywatch!

magiceye said...

beautiful imaging

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful views of the sky changing moods at your place. Thanks for sharing with us in Sky Watch Friday.

Reader Wil said...

Impressive sky and mountains, something we miss here in my flat country, though the sky can be very threatening sometimes. You are right that the weather is a very popular topic!

Rajesh said...

Fantastic snaps. Loved the dark clouds and their shadow.

Diane AZ said...

Both of these are beautiful. I love the play of light and shadows. Thank you for sharing your skies!

storyteller said...

Sylvia took the words from my fingertips ... so I'll add a quick thanks for dropping by my WordPress site (Happily Retired Gal) and leaving the link back here. I love the quote at the top of your sidebar and spent some time looking through previous posts too. The flowers in your header are lovely as is the iris in your previous post. I love the way you explored various meanings of the word ... and as I read your Casting Back post your words resonated with my own experiences in this virtual world. I'll be celebrating my 2nd Blogoversary in about a month. It's nice to meet you ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

April said...

I love the light on the mountain. Gorgeous pictures!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful shots of the mountain and the sky.Thanks for sharing your SWF.