I is for Iris

A Princess in the garden
and a Goddess in Greek Mythology
The personification of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods.
Iris was the goddess who linked the gods to humanity, traveling with the speed of the wind from one end of the world to the other.
When she was delivering messages to humans, Iris traveled on the rainbow.
Look at the iris of the eye! It is quite natural that it should be called after the Greek word for 'rainbow'.

And the Iris flower, because it reflects the many colors of her rainbow, also received its name from this goddess .
Take the rainbow express over to ABC Wednesday and enjoy the many posts which "I" inspires, thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt.
What a very interesting post! And I love your photos. Great selection for the "I" day!
And, by the way, have a great "I" day!
A very suitable I - both for the flower and the rainbow.
The iris is one of my favourite flowers Hildred - but I didn;t know any of the background - so thank you for that.
Great choices
Interesting take on Iris. Love the pictures and the thoughts and information.
Wonderful phptps!
What a wonderful photos! I like the painting! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your visit. I think the last law was made to avoid people undressing in a barber's shop, that was the place where you could have a bath.
I am no gardener, but at least I can grow Iris. They are so beautiful and seem to make it with little or no care.
An Arkies Musings
Neat post! I appreciate the goddess information and LOVE the photo of the flower.
I do love the iris...the taller the better! I have just a few in my garden, but hopefully they'll multiply in years to come.
Thanks all for visiting, - I am very partial to the Iris too, and tomorrow plan to replant a dozen or so that my son dug up from a shady spot where they declined to bloom.
Also like to think of Iris the Goddess sliding down the rainbow to whisper messages....
A perfect I. Indeed, a great post!
Dear Hildred,
I've just found you via Pamela Edward. Left a note on your previous post about blogging. Love your blog.Will be back.
marvelous picture with interesting information
I love the storytelling along with the photos for the letter I. Very interesting and pleasant.
you have a beautiful blog, Hildred!
yes, the Iris is indeed beautiful! but unfortunately, we don't have it in these islands. iris, the goddess, is one of my favorites and i do "call" on her at times when i have problems communicating with people...
warm sunshine from these islands...!
Iris and Isis, four-letter rhyming words. Quite a clever - and attractive - post.
That was interesting - I love the painting of Iris, too!
I've always loved the flower. I keep meaning to plant some, but OH hates the way the leaves hang around looking 'untidy'. *Sigh*
Very clever! Had my irises still been in bloom, I would have probably chosen them as well. Enjoyed the origin of its name from the Greek goddess Iris. I hadn't thought about the connection to our eyes, but it is a logical choice for a name. Thanks for sharing!
My favorite of the iris flower colors. They are very common around my area of the country.
Very interesting and beautiful post...I love that colorful painting of Iris! I didn't know anything about Iris until I read this.
I enjoyed reading this and you found a beautiful piece of artwork to illustrate it. I love iris', they are such wonderful colours from delicate pastels to the rich spice colours of the east.
Enjoyed your visits, - please come again.
Rowan, the Iris picture is one of my own photos, fancied up with Photoshop. Love that program, - it can keep me happily occupied for hours and hours....
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