The whole valley was suffused in a luminous pink light. The camera is never very far from the breakfast table, and we, the camera and I, rushed out to drench our spirits in this ethereal splendour and see what images we could capture.... I thought I might have died and gone to heaven, but there were no pearly gates around, so I went about my picture taking business, in great awe. Husband tells me it is the angle of the sun deflecting off the clouds, which have to be at just the right height, etc., but no matter what the physics the effect on the soul is pretty stupendous.

The delicate pinks were in the East, but to the West the sun caught the clouds and turned them into a medley of fruit colours, - soft apricot, fuzzy peach, served up in a dish of palest blue.

This afternoon I hope to take a picture of the metamorphose of the neighbours row of pear trees.
Someone has laid a line along its length, lit the fuse and turned the pear trees into a row of golden torches.
Back over in the corner of the pasture the sumac competes in a blazing display of pyrotechnics.

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