A fall haze lies over the Cawston Hills in the Sunny Similkameen Valley,
the larger locale for a Grand Garden Party being held
in the jam packed garden on the hill.
Invitations were sent out to all alumni who have made the garden
the great success it has been since the first blooms
made their appearance back in March,
and acceptance has been spectacular.
The Maples, in the process of donning their Scarlet Coats
stand garden over the celebrations
the larger locale for a Grand Garden Party being held
in the jam packed garden on the hill.
Invitations were sent out to all alumni who have made the garden
the great success it has been since the first blooms
made their appearance back in March,
and acceptance has been spectacular.
The Maples, in the process of donning their Scarlet Coats
stand garden over the celebrations

and keep a stern eye on some alien creatures marching across the meadow
with an eye to crashing the party
with an eye to crashing the party

come Spring

Miss Callie has no formal invitation, but being a frequent familiar in the garden click on the picture and see her tail seeking admittance.

The lavender made a special effort to make a return appearance, smelling so pretty and old-fashioned. Together with the Alyssum they lend a fragrance to the air that the sweet warmth of mid day intensifies.

The Marigolds enjoy the cooler weather and show their appreciation with a wild display of golden buttons.

and the pot marigolds, that stay right to the end, even after the last dog is hung (where did that dreadful phrase come from???)

The Mums have finally come into their own, and the wise old owl keeps watch for the arrival of Jack Frost, whose destiny it is to end the party with his silvery rime.

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