Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 26h, 2022 While having afternoon tea and listening to Leon Redbone and his rendition of old songs and new songs in his lovely languid way I reached behind me and took from the 'library' shelf a book of poems by Ogden Nash, - a book that was one of my contributions to our newly married library collection (it was rather sparse). However, knowing that the book came from my shelves before we were married in 1945 will give you some idea of how long I have cherished Ogden Nash ...how much this book represents pleasant times as well as olden times. And in the book I opened it to these words about the month of May, that is about to spring upon us... Do you hanker for April showers, Or a rarified day in June? Give me a grade A May day, And please deliver it soon. I am weary of branches naked, Creaking like lovelorn cats; The earth underfoot half baked, And the sun overhead ersatz Send me a balmy zephy To play me a rigadoon, And I'll gulp of my grade A May Day Till my hiccups hammer the moon. Leon Redbone and Ogden Nash - those two names will probably be enough to indicate my less than serious reading and listening habits....


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a pity that Leon Redbone never set that poem to music. "Leon Redbone Sings Ogden Nash" - one of the great un-recorded albums.

Hildred said...

I can just hear it now, John - I wish I was able to do some of the miraculous things the techie's do, and then I would get them together...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh this was fun Hildred... I wonder what happened to my dad's book of Ogden Nash! I must say that this poem is not one I remember from it, but I was too young to appreciate the wonder of a May day. (I did learn to appreciate the wonder of words and silliness while I was still young and at home.... But you know...you have to live through more than a few Aprils ....