Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

It has been such a hot day, - 

as a matter of fact it is still a hot evening

and I look forward to the time when I can

open up doors and windows, -

although the fresh air that flows in

will probably still be fairly warmish!

I suppose that can be expected in the

middle of August!!

I am amazed that the garden still looks

fairly fresh, and it hasn't

taken on that droopy August lanquishy look.

Some of the asters glisten with 

the syrup from the red mites, - (at least

I think that's what causes the shine on them)

but I have had the sprayer out and hope

that they will recover!

And that when the asters bloom 

they will be fresh and beautifully indicative

of Autumn....

We spend time in the garden

most afternoons

but it usually just involves

sitting around, sipping a cool drink

and reading books.

(The Firmament of Time/Eiseley - at the moment)

In the morning

I try to spend some time at the loom....

have recently finished a mohair blanket...

a sticky endeavour!!!

but I am pleased with it.

Have a cone of black mohair left,

and some luscious red

and cool greens

but I'm not quite ready to 

face clearing the sheds before each throw,

--not for a while.



Ellen D. said...

Lovely blanket! Your garden gives you great comfort! How nice!

Megan Schetsche said...

I do so love reading your posts! The blanket is gorgeous.