Friday, April 03, 2020

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

The sun was warm but the wind was chill

You know how it is with an April day..

When the sun is out and the wind is still

You're one month on in the middle of May.

Robert Frost

We aren't far enough along into April

for the spring blossoms to be out,

but up in the hills there are buttercups

and small white daisies..

and you know that if the buttercups have arrived

they bring robins with them

and soon there will be lilacs

and daffodils and tulips

and the bridal bush will be glorious with its

pure white flowers.

and the forsythia will forsake the bathtub 

and brighten up the rest of the house

with its golden blooms

Today was not April's most charming....

A chilly wind and a dull sky

that deterred me from taking Bruce out for a walk,

down the lane.....where we probably

wouldn't meet anybody and have to stand six feet away

to talk to them.

I hope that warmth comes soon

as I understand Covid19 doesn't care

to be around when the weather is hot!!

It gets quite lonely when you

can't have someone in for tea!

Well, I have a great mess of blue bamboo yarn

to untangle in the morning,

when I have a good hold on my patience.......

And when it is done I will have a lovely

blue and yellow warp to put on the LeClerc,

and that should make me feel quite comfortable

about accomplishing something

besides doing the breakfast dishes!!!

Perhaps the sun will shine, too.....


Penny said...

Stay safe xx

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I'm not sure about Covid 19's dislike of warm weather; it seems to be doing OK in India, but we live in hope that it might just vanish! Spring-like weather here too.

Ruth said...

Here in Pennsylvania the forsythias are just about over, daffodils and hyacinths are at their prime. I brought some in the other day and the house smells like Easter! The grass is full of violets. Those are the things we can always depend upon! Stay safe and well.