Friday, October 18, 2019

Another beautiful October day

Autumn is stealing into the trees and shrubs

that line the little creek bed

at the back of the meadow across the lane!

I watch for the deer family

that have taken up residence there

but only occasionally see

the hind end of Mama,

and a peek at the little one.

If I were to spend more time in the garden,

putting it to bed;

gathering leaves and stalks to put

in the yard waste barrels;

and cutting back the herbs to bring in and dry,

well then I might see more of the deer family.....

If I should be weaving at the Le Clerc

I would be looking out the window

that faces on the meadow,

but right now I am doing Christmas Runners

and towels on the Glimakra,

and all I see out the window in that room

is the roof top of the neighbour's shed

and the walnut trees that tower over it.

Nobody picks the walnuts

but when the wind blows they end up in the lane

and my son-in-law rescues them,

shells them and puts the walnut meat in quart jars,

and one of these days I am going to 

sugar some, and put them away for Christmas!!

In the meantime I am making soup....

this morning's menu

Leek and Potato!!



John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I see that autumn colour has arrived with you rather earlier than here. Squirrels usually find our walnuts long before humans can gather them.

Morning's Minion said...

Autumn means soup season again--nothing more cozy than a steaming bowl with a slice of home made bread after working outside.
Each glimpse of our resident deer or foxes is welcomed.

admin said...

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