Friday, May 04, 2018

This and that - Inside and Out

May 4th, 2018

Well, Inside I have been lured by the loom, - doing all the winding and beaming and threading and sleying and finally to the process of throwing the shuttle back and forth, in rhythmic mode.

I have been taking an online course in Colour and Design, and it's kept me rapt and head down over the four harness LeClerc.  This has been such a fun warp to weave, - marvelous colours, great symmetry and little blocks all over that have a chameleon effect as you change shuttles.

Having finished the assigned sample and a few variations I decided to resley the warp and use my imagination to make a nice drapey scarf...

Anyway, I hope it will be a nice drapey scarf!!!

For the weft I am using a lovely combination of silk and wool, but I am still a little ambivalent about the effect, and how the design will evolve....

So I decided to take my book and a cup of tea Outside into the garden,  and relax and think a bit!!!!

While my tea cooled I ventured into the garden - that great explosion of greenery and the dratted ground cover of wild and viral violets (the kind that don't bloom).  They do have a flower of sorts..
Mr. Google says "weird, pale flowers resembling mung bean sprouts that hide at the soil line" and they sow their blasted seed all summer without the need for pollination.  These are called Cleistoganious flowers, from the Greek, which means "hidden".   Alas, the only recommended method of removal is on your hands and knees with a knife, to dig out the roots!!!!

It has been a late spring.  The tulips are still blooming, and the beautiful coral blossom is just beginning to cover the Quince bush.

I found the rhubarb had grown to monstrous size, - great fan-like leaves that would have been entirely adequate for Sally Rand.  Hiding under the leaves were the sweetest lilies of the valley, which I saved, and also divested the plants of the baleful violet!

Eventually we returned to the cold tea, and the book I had brought with me - Callie and I.  Bruce had given up and gone back into the house to keep a look-out from the front window, in case someone should come to call!! And he could sound the alarm!!!!

 I read a few pages (Brene Brown's 'Gifts of Imperfection')  before I nodded off (which I am inclined to do these days). And besides, I know all about imperfection and how I have learned to appreciate it...

I am so grateful for the garden and for the ways and means that allow me to weave.  I have reached the point in my life where my mobility is not quite what it was, - nor my hearing.  And I have lost all of my dearest friends, including my darling husband!  So my social life is not what it once was......

However, the garden and the looms provide me with great inspiration, and the weaving especially keeps my brain active as I make lists of all the things I want to make and the math associated with planning these projects.

And then there is the Ukulele ........

My favourite piece to play before breakfast!

If I have posted this before I know you will enjoy it again!!!


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I don't understand any of the technical terms of weaving but I do admire your handiwork. I also understand the concept of weeds that don't go away however inhospitably they are treated.
Take care.

Hill Top Post said...

Obviously your mathematical calculations (ouch!) are right on, for your weaving is extraordinarily beautiful! I am in awe of your work! You seem to perform miracles with color and design both in your weaving and in your garden. It seems to me that a lot of socializing can take place right in the garden among friendly flowers, but that might not be the case with the "baleful violet."

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I would start to watch TV news again if the broadcast were guaranteed to end the way the one in your video does! We can all use a little more sunshine, happiness and love. And while the Jive Aces are great, I would love to hear you playing that song before breakfast!!

The scarf is beautiful. I love your yard and I will have to take your word for the fact that you have learned to live with imperfections, because I never see any on your blog posts!

Penny said...

I love your posts. Thank you.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hildred - how similar our styles have become. I lost my darling farmer just over a year ago and have had to move from the farm. I can still garden but my mobility is very limited. I also have taken up the ukulele and enjoy playing in a group which plays for Alzheimers patients and their carers. We really do enjoy it so. We do owe it to our husbands to carry on and make as much of our lives as we can don't we. I love your scarf.