A Reminder....
Prepare yourself for the March Hare!!
and perhaps picnics with the Mad Hatter!!!
Picnics, anyway...
Spring is bound to come

Emily Dickinson welcomes March so warmly...
Dear March, come in!
How glad I am!
I looked for you before,
Put down your hat -
You must have walked -
How out of breath you are!
Dear March, how are you?
And the rest?
Did you leave Nature well?
Oh, March, come right upstairs with me.
I have so much to tell!
I got your letter, and the birds,
The maples never knew
That you were coming, - I declare,
How red their faces grew!
But March, forgive me -
And all those hills
You left for me to hue;
There was no purple suitable,
You took it all with you.
Who knocks? That April!
Lock the door!
I will not be pursued!
He stayed away a year, to call
When I am occupied.
But trifles look so trivial
As soon as you have come,
That blame is just as dear as praise
And praise as mere as blame.
Are you as pleased to see March come as I??
How I love all three illustrations you chose -- and the Emily poem always! Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit should even be luckier tomorrow than it is on the first of every month. I always think of you on that day!!
We are almost snowed in here Hildred and it is bitterly cold - give me another day or two and then I shall welcome march with open arms.
Our March arrived like a lamb. I skied in sunshine with blue skies. Yes, I'm glad to see it, but I hope we'll also get more snow. We're way behind snowpack this winter and need the moisture for our forests and reservoirs. I know you're looking forward to those forsythia blooms, Hildred!
I wish I had read your oh-so-nice blog post sooner...no "white rabbit" for me this month. But, today seemed lucky enough for we had a beautiful first day of March. I'm sure you are watching for every new bloom and blossom.
Thank you for the reminder Barb - our son and DIL are living in the house where the forsythia blooms now, and I must ask for a few snippets!!! To put in the bathtub until they bloom!!!
Pat, I saw frightening pictures of your Beast from the East winter session on TV last night, and you have my sympathies!!
Sallie, always glad to know you think of me at White Rabbit time!!! That rascally March Hare has taken over and March is being quite surly and sulky.....
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