Tuesday, March 28, 2017

L is for Loom

ABC Wednesday
March 29th, 2017

The letter is L  for  LOOM

This is a Nilus LeClerc four shaft LOOM...

I have been "looming"  (WEAVING) on a loom like this for a long, long time and as a consequence have gathered an incredible amount of wool, which sometimes wakens me in the night with thoughts of whatever will I do with all that yarn!!!!

Well, here is what I did recently with a very small portion of my stash!!!

 I gathered a little pile of balls together, - chose three or four whose colours cosied up to one another and plied them through the Indian Head spinner, - then went back and chose some more, and then some more... until I had enough to create a happy warp.

I closed the LOOM room door so Callie the cat couldn't come in to assist me, - wound the warp, beamed it on the LOOM, threaded and sleyed the ends, and started to weave.

Callie and I (she sits beside me on the LOOM bench) finished off the warp in grand style, removed it from the LOOM and had that piece of fabric in the lower left corner of the picture, which Callie is inspecting for errors and places that need ends clipped and tucked!!!

Time to do the finishing bit, - washing and pressing and a little brushing!

By this time I was getting quite weary, but the light in the tunnel at the end sped me on, and we finished just before a late supper.......

 I am quite pleased, and have in my mind great plans for a couple of cones of linen and a few half balls of silk to make a pretty summer scarf.....

I love my LOOM - Callie loves my LOOM, - and who knows, someday I may get my lovely 8 shaft countermarche set up somewhere and weave on it to my heart's content!!

for more interesting Ls visit here
at ABC Wednesday
with thanks for all those who maintain this
great meme..


MelodyK said...

Hmmm how I would like to stil be able to create things like these.... I did a lot of it long time ago.. I have accepted that I can't anymore but there are times that knowledge makes me sad...
Hope you can do this for a long time to come

Have a nice ABC-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

carol l mckenna said...

You are so creative ~ lovely weaving ~ great loom and photos ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

ellen b. said...

Wow Hildred! You really do create some beautiful pieces. I'm smiling at the thought of you waking up wondering what you'll do with all that yarn. What a wonderful talent you have. Hope your week is going well.

Penny said...

Wonderful that you can still make such lovely things.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

In utter awe as usual when you talk about your weaving (your letter for this week seems made to order for you). I love that you have that helper/inspector on the job (even if you had to keep her out while part of the job was going on).... Your pieces are beautiful.

Roger Owen Green said...

Looms always remind me of keyboards.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

How beautiful...

Happy Spring hugs,
Luna Crone