July 13, 2016
The letter is A - Again
and it stands for W. H. Auden
The poet, Wystart Hugh Auden
Born in 1907 in York, England, to
George Augustus Auden and Constance Rosalie Bicknell Auden
British from birth, but American from 1946,
he was educated at Christ Church, Oxford.
After toying with atheism he returned to Christianity
and the Anglican Church
W.H. Auden died in 1973 in Vienna, Austria
he is a favourite.....

More 'As' as we start another round, here, at ABC Wednesdasy
with thank to Roger, Denise and Able helpers.
Great poetry.
I do like all the character lines in his face.
I agree with what Photowannabee wrote
Wonderful object/person to start a new round of abc with
Have a nice abc-w-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
Hildred ~ delightful and creative post for A ~ love this poet/author ~
Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
Wonderful poem and quote! A great tribute to Auden, this post of yours..
One of my favourite poets too although I didn't know he was born in York.
Thank you for introducing Auden!His last poe is great!
Thanks for visiting!
He is a poet I admire greatly as well!
I do like W H Auden but 'Stop all the Clocks' does it for me
particularly when it was recited in the movie 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'...
Beet wishes.
ABCW team.
What a great post, thank you. Time sure does fly!
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