Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Custard the DRAGON

ABC Wednesday
February 3rd, 2016
The letter is D for DRAGON

Dragons are not as prolific as they once were.
These days they are inclined to live in little white houses, 
and here is the Tale of one such Dragon, named Custard, 
written by Ogden Nash and performed by Dennis Massa

If you are not familiar with Custard quite probably your children are,
or your grandchildren, or your great-grandchildren.
His tale can be found here http://glenavalon.com/custard.html

(if the link doesn't work by clicking try typing it in), 

For more interesting Ds click here to visit Denise and Roger 
at ABC Wednesday, as well as their DETERMINED helpers.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes Hildred, Custard has been around for some time hasn't he?

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful illustration of the Dragon and great choice for D!

Happy week to you ~ ^_^

Photo Cache said...

I am not familiar with this dragon.


MelodyK said...

nice choice for this weeks letter... someone i've never heard of before... thank you for introducing

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l o d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

photowannabe said...

I'm sorry that Custard was never in my bookcase.
Love the video and that guitar work is terrific.

Lea said...

I've never met Custard, but I do remember Puff the Magic Dragon!

ellen b. said...

A fun choice for the letter D. I have never heard of Custard but I do not have grandchildren yet so maybe that is why. I bought some dragons to decorate for Chinese New Year...

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm so afraid!


Reader Wil said...

I like the dragon story! Good choice, Hildred.
Wil, ABCW Team,

Deepa said...

Superb take on the letter D

Ingrid said...

That's a pity I have never heard or seen this in Belgium.

Powell River Books said...

I'm not familiar with Custard the Dragon, but one of my favourite childhood books was The Funny Thing by Wanda Gag. It was about a dragon that ate little girls' dolls and how they tempted the dragon away with tasty treats called jum-jills. To this day I call a tasty treat a jum-jill. - Margy

Ira said...

Never heard of That dragon but the name reminds me of custard pudding!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That was fun Hildred! I had never heard of Custard either; I'm sad that even my great-grands might be a little too old to appreciate him as much as I do. (Boys, daddy keeps them busy and interested in sports -- which is good up to a point, but .... ). Anyway, I loved it.