Tuesday, January 13, 2015


ABC  Wednesday
Off on another jaunt through the Alphabet
The letter is A

A is for ABBA

Wonderful background music when our family was full of teenagers

And now I find great pleasure listening and reminiscing.

Hope you enjoy this favourite


or this.....

"Take a Chance on Me"

Life goes on and the Band broke up
but their songs are still popular and familiar
and make one want to Dance!!!

For more interesting As visit here at ABC Wednesday
with thanks to all the Able souls who energize this meme


Photo Cache said...

I like their songs a lot, but my husband loves them.


ellen b. said...

Can't fault a group that gets you dancing!

Roger Owen Green said...

I did ABBA a few weeks ago, but it was Q for Quirky!


ChrisJ said...

I love ABBA. Thanks for the reminder.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely that you stilll get pleasure from ABBA Hildred. Also I absolutely love your header.

A Colorful World said...

Love the reference to ABBA...remember their songs well in another time that seems so long ago.

Nonnie said...

I love Abba! Whenever I need a bit of cheering up, I play their CD.

Ingrid said...

I like ABBA very much, have seen a beautiful concert, not with the real once, but they performed perfectly !
ABC Wednesday

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wasn't it nice when there was music all ages could enjoy together!