Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ABC Wednesday

O is the letter of the week, and stands for Oom-Pah-Pah

Oom pah pah is the rythmical sound of a deep brass instrument in a band, - usually a tuba alternating between the root of a chord and the fifth.  This is the Oom - higher instruments, such as the clarinet or trombone, play the Pah on off beats.  Oompah is popular in Germany where it is applied to polkas and waltzes and is referred to as Volkestumliche Musik

The Movie  'Oliver'  contains a rollicking version of the Oompah  in the following video.  Blogger doesn't seem to want to publish videos any more, except through Google + and I haven't figured that out, yet.  But if you click on the highlighted bits of the code it will take you to the video - at least it worked for me!!!  Fun to watch, give it a try.

<object width="640" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OlKccuS_ayk?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OlKccuS_ayk?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

A more modern take is the playing of pop and rock songs in the Oompah style.  Two outstanding bands are Global Kryner and Oompah Brass (U.K.) who dubbed the style Oompop.

Here is a link http://soundcloud.com/oompahbrass/oompah-brass-oompetite-for .

Wonderful music, - hope you enjoy it!  Great for Octoberfest!

For more great O's visit here at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday and see what's on offer.


carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic choice for 'O' ~ fun! and informative post ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

photowannabe said...

I never knew that Oom Paa was a real term.
Great happy music that gets the toes tapping.

Leslie: said...

Oh now I'm going to continue with my day thinking "Oompapa!" lol I thought you might have done Osoyoos!

abcw team

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

For some reason I want to go dance a polka now.

Roger Owen Green said...

that's a lot of fun, especially that 2nd link with the pop songs!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks for sharing the links, I didn't know these.

O is for....
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Ann said...

Oompapa makes me think of Oktoberfest! Cheery music for today.

Ingrid said...

If there is one music I really don't like that's the oumbaba oubababa ...
it's awful ! But there must be music for all tastes
ABC Team

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ordinary Words...Fun♫ Good O choice!