While I was at the library yesterday afternoon the clouds began to gather and the air began to cool - deliciously!
Late in the afternoon there was the most tremendous clap of thunder, - probably about a dozen feet above the house, I think, - the noise and the vibrations were so all encompassing!
Callie scurried along the hall, as fast as her little plump self would allow. A sharp left turn at the bedroom door and she was safe in her narrow place of refuge between the foot of the bed and my mother's trunk that sits there full of blankets and winter sweaters.
Even her supper didn't entice her out, and all evening as the storm came and went, the thunder roared and the lightning flashed, she stayed put, probably with her paws over her ears
Things quietened down a little, and Charles went to comfort her and invited her to come and sit on his knee. She came as far as the door, when suddenly there was another great clap, - the house quivered and quaked, and a poor cat's heart turned over!! Callie dived for her most safe place of all, - on the bed, under the duvet, where it is dark and there is a familiar fragrance of Him and Her.
When we moved she spent most of the first few days we were in town in that little nest.
Eventually the clouds moved off, grumbling and mumbling. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a small rainbow, but when I investigated it was just a small arc rising above the hills, and it soon disappeared.
I was outside, with camera in hand, and all that fresh rain soaked greenery around me, - the air smelling cool and clean. There were a few interesting clouds above, but they were floating off towards the Okanagan to find other heat weary towns to play their spectacle to, and patches of blue sky were growing larger and brighter.
Checking things out.....
Today the sun is shining again, but the temperature is more moderate and friendly.
You're a good writer, Hildred! I know how frightening thunder and lightning is to pets, and also to people. My house was once struck by lightning with which my chimney was completely destroyed. Some of the chimney pieces fell on a car of our neighbours's. I have now a lightning conductor installed, but I still feel not safe.
We are now in the middle of a heatwave, which is quite oppressive. I wish you a great weekend!
If only we could explain to our animals that there is nothing to be afraid of Hildred.
I feel better at our lack of summer when I read of the oppressive hear where you live. We hae the odd day of summer here and there and then it is good old English rain again.
Heat waves followed by thunder storms have not been a feature of our weather this year.
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