Tuesday, December 06, 2011

ABC Wednesday
December 7th, 2011

The letter this week is U
Not many U's in the dictionary, but here is an absolutely marvelous one....

U is for Ustinov.......Peter Ustinov

A two times Academy Award winning film actor, director, writer, journalist and raconteur.  And it is as a raconteur I wish to entertain you with a few witty Ustinov quotes, and a wonderful video in which he recounts a tale of his mother's encounter with Queen Mary.

First the quotes.....

I am an optimist, unrepentant and militant.  After all, in order not to be a fool an optimist must know how sad a place the world can be.  It is only the pessimist who finds this out anew every day.

At the age of four with paper hats and wooden swords we're all Generals.  Only some of us never grow out of it.

It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously.

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.

I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me the most civilized music in the world.

For more U tales visit here at ABC Wednesday and have a wonderful visit all around.....


Gigi Ann said...

Mr. Ustinov was one of a kind, and very Unique. It is always a joy to listen to him, and especially to watch him at his art of entertainment.

Jane and Chris said...

Wouldn't you have loved to have him as a dinner guest?!
Jane x

Roger Owen Green said...

He is UNDERRATED by today's standards; your younger readers won't have even heard of him.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil said...

Oh this is brilliant! Peter Ustinov was one of the greatest actors. I have seen him as Nero, and lateron in a quite different role as Hercule Poirot. He was absolutely inimitable in all the roles he played. Thank you so much!

Carver said...

Great choice for U. I've enjoyed him in so many different roles.

photowannabe said...

Absolutely delightful.
He's a fascinating man. I hadn't thought of him in quite some time.

lotusleaf said...

A unique tribute to an undoubtedly great man!

Tumblewords: said...

What a fine actor. I remember him well.

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Utterly marvelous post for "U". I loved the clip and the quotes. Thank you.

Berowne said...

Thank you, from a Ustinov fan of many years...

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful choice! He was a wonderful actor!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wasn't he great!