Sunday, August 28, 2011

As August draws to a close a last entry in August Break....

Lush, ripe apricots lie on the roof of the neighbour's shed, dwarfed by a towering walnut tree.  

Sunlight dapples the leaves and I wait for the birds to discover this bounty.


Wanda..... said...

Maybe the neighbor will share their bounty with you, but just viewing the lovely scene is a sharing in itself, I guess!

Dimple said...

Ripe apricots, mmmmm! My mouth is watering!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That looks lucious! I couldn't find a place to comment on your reading post. I laughed when you said you hoped the essays were short because you can only take in so much brilliance.

I am just in awe that you can and DO read these challenging books. I try! But I go back to fiction.

Barb said...

The photo is a joy at the end of summer. Looks like a bounty of apricots ripening. Your photo's texture is dreamy, Hildred.