August 3. 2011

A traditional rendition of the song 'O my darling Clementine' by Pete Seeger
But Clementine is not only a song, - behold the beautiful Mandarin Orange, - the Clementine.
wonderful to eat, - great in salads
There is a NASA mission to the moon that mapped most of the lunar surface, named Clementine;
but also known as the Deep Space Program Science Experiment. This mission was launched from
Vandenberg Air Force Base on January 25th, 1994. Clementine tested a small spacecraft subsytems and
sensors in deep space and returned a vast amount of scientific data from the Moon..
How many of you are old enough to have seen the 1946 movie 'My Darling Clementine'
starring Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell and Victor Mature, (sigh).
(I am, but unfortunately didn't ever see it)
and then, of course, there was the love of Churchill's life......... Clementine (Hosier) Churchill
He wrote to her.....
January 23, 1935
My darling Clemmie,
In your letter from Madras you wrote some word vy dear to me, about my having enriched yr life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in yr debt, if there can be accounts in love. It was sweet of you to write this to me, and I hope and pray I shall be able to make you happy and secure during my remaining years, and cherish you my darling one as you
My darling Clemmie,
In your letter from Madras you wrote some word vy dear to me, about my having enriched yr life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in yr debt, if there can be accounts in love. It was sweet of you to write this to me, and I hope and pray I shall be able to make you happy and secure during my remaining years, and cherish you my darling one as you
deserve, and leave you in comfort when my race is run. What it has been to me to live all these years in yr heart and companionship no phrases can convey. Time passes swiftly, but it is not joyous to see how great and growing is the treasure we have gathered together, amid the storms and stresses of so many eventful and to millions tragic and terrible years?...
Your loving husband,
I am sure there must be a Band somewhere named 'The Clementines' - there usually is.
But I wasn't able to find it.....
Do go over to ABC Wednesday to see what other classy C's are there.
We love clementine so much!
Please come and see my C, thanks a lot!
Luscious looking tangerines and I do like Pete Seeger. I'm old enough but never did see the movie. Roy Rogers was on tap for us.
I love Mandarin oranges, can never resist them.
I do hope that your move has gone successfully Hildred and that you are both settled in well.
Lovely Clementines - that song was a great favourite of mine.
Here's my ABC post.
I remember the song Clementine, but never saw the movie with Henry Fonda.
I was amazed that Winston should write such a loving and tender letter to his Clemmie!
Great post! I enjoyed reading it as ever!
What a beautiful letter from Churchill. Clementine, mmm, I could just eat one.
What a great post for the letter C. I liked all your choices and my mouth is watering for a clementine tangerine.
What a wonderful love letter from Mr. Churchill to his love.
I grew up singing that song, and I love mandarins, but I never saw the movie (I'm not quite that old!), and the moon mission was new information. Fascinating post!
Wonderful choice for today. Winston's Clemmie, Pete Seeger, and a juicy clementine--it doesn't get much better. Thank you so much for brightening my day with food and song!
I loved that you managed to pay tribute to NASA and Churchill's love for his wife all in one post.
Really loved this post - so many interesting Clementines
Thanks Pat, - with a lot of help from family we have the kitchen, the living room, the dining room and the main bathroom free of boxes. I think we will now come up for air and float around for a bit until I can't stand any more not having the pictures up, or miss the AWOL iron too much..... We have had such a kind welcome to the neighbourhood!
i love pete, must have seen him 3dozen times over the years
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Very nice clementine post. I love the fruit and always find information about Churchill fascinating - a man of the people who never went on a bus!
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