Monday, July 05, 2010

ABC Wednesday

The letter this week is Y

Y is for Yogurt

Until a decade ago Yogurt was the' plain Jane' of the dairy family, but now it has assumed Star Quality with so many health conscious people acknowledging its benefits.

And with the advent of Frozen Yogurt as a dessert its wonderful creamy texture and the great variety of flavours have made it a splendid way to replace all the calories in Ice Cream, - at least at our house.

So what kind of frozen yogurt will you have today?, - Capuccino, Peach and Almond, Deep Dutch Chocolate, Wild, Wild Berry, Maple Walnut, Nanaimo Bar - all exotic and sweet to the taste.

Or perhaps you will  choose an unfrozen yogurt, - the one that makes me weak at the knees - Lemon Meringue!

Can you imagine folding these luscious lemon meringues  into a carton of yogurt and then trying to put it back into the fridge before every delicious morsel is scraped from the bottom of the container!!

I could tell you how to make homemade yogurt, but instead here is a recipe for a Lemon Meringue Loaf that should delight your taste buds.

In a large bowl combine 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of sugar, 4 tsps of baking powder, 1 tsp of salt and 1 tbsp of grated lemon rind, whisking all ingredients until well blended.

In a separate bowl combine 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 4 large beaten eggs, 3 tbsps of lemon juice and 1 1/4 cups of lemon meringue yogurt, plus 1/2 cup of milk.

Mix the dry and wet mixtures together, just until combined, - pour the batter into 2 greased leaf pans and bake in a 350F oven for 30 to 35 minutes.

Glaze it with 1/4 cup of sugar, 3 tbsps of lemon juice and 2 tbsps of lemon rind, brought to a boil and cooked for two minutes.


For more examples of the letter Y click here to go to ABC Wednesday.


Mara said...

The lemon meringue yoghurt thingy looks delicious. As for the other ones? Just ordinary plain yoghurt with a bit of strawberry jam will do nicely for me!

Amy said...

That looks like a winning recipe to me - thank you!

Sylvia K said...

I love yogurt! And sounds like a delicious recipe! Gonna have to try it! Great post for the Y day! Hope you have a lovely week! Enjoy!


Rune Eide said...

I love yoghurt, but that meringue... :-)

Roger Owen Green said...


ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Yummmmm, yummmm, yummmm!!!
Now that's just not fair. You have me drooling all over my computer.
I think Peach is probably my favorite but that lemon meringue could probably just shove peach out of the way.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I love yoghurt and my favourite at the moment is rhubarb yoghurt. Your recipe sounds delicious - I shall try it - thank you. A x

Anonymous said...

How alluring in the middle of the night, over here. Please have a nice Wednesday.

daily athens

Unknown said...

That sounds so delicious. I would love to go out and get some right this second. I remember the first time I had froze yogurt I thought it was JUST as delicious as ice cream. I still enjoy it to this day. We don't have any frozen yogurt places around here.

Gayle said...

My mouth is watering! I can't wait to try the meringue loaf. (Mocha flavored yogurt is my fav!)

Wanda said...

Oh yummy to my tummy...Wonderful picture, and it's making my mouth water.

Jama said...

I love adding yogurt in my curry!

Tumblewords: said...

I love yogurt of all kinds but the Lemon Meringue Loaf sounds superb! I'm going to try it.

Reader Wil said...

Yummy, yummy! Tha't looks delicious! I like yoghurt and have it almost daily after supper in the evening. They are available in all kind of flavours. But your recipe is certainly worthwhile trying!!

Rinkly Rimes said...

I intend to come back and copy your recipe! Let's hope I don't forget! It sounds Y for Yummy!

Jay said...

Oh! You've reminded me about a recipe for yoghurt cake that I used to have (but I have now lost). It was so easy! A carton of yoghurt, so many cartons of flour, of oil, of sugar, etc - and it always came out perfectly! Hazlenut used to work best, I think, but I'm sure with the new flavours there'd be others, like toffee or caramel, which would make a delightful yoghurt cake!

Yours makes a bigger quantity, but I could try cutting it down. Thanks for that! :)

Cheryl said...

Those lemon meringue desserts have my juices flowing already.

mrsnesbitt said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Will definately try this!

Ingrid said...

I love yogourt ice when it's hot !

Joy said...

Lemon meringue, one of my favourites. My local ice-cream van doesn't do frozen yoghurt but does do a fabulous home made lemon meringue ice-cream.

CaptainRunner said...

Frozen Yogurt is a hip here in our land. My girl and I love to top it with almonds and blueberry.

Penny said...

Oh bother, I have never heard of frozen meringue yoghurt down here in Australia.

Sweetums5 said...

Stopping by from ABC Wed. Wonderful "Y" post! The yogurt looks yummy. Can't wait to try the recipe for the meringue loaf. Thanks for sharing!