Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ABC Wednesday

The enchanting letter this week is E

E is for Enchantment

If we can keep the wonder and enchantment of childhood with us all our long life through, what a wonderful  antidote to cynicism it is!  Wordsworth's concept of 'trailing clouds of glory' is pure enchantment.....

It is the dim haze of mystery that lends Enchantment to the pursuit.  Antoine Rivario


...and life's Enchanted cup but sparkles near the brim
Lord Byron

the Enchanted kingdoms of childhood

........and the Enchantment of Gardens

the Enchanted Garden

the Enchantment of Music

'music's pure algebra of Enchantment' Conrad Potter Aiken

The Lady of Shallot  

and the Enchantment of story and myth and poetry

A Song of Enchantment

A song of Enchantment I sang me there,
in a green-green wood, by waters fair,
Just as the words came up to me
I sang it under the wild wood tree.

Widdershins turned I, singing it low,
Watching the wild birds come and go'
No cloud in the deep dark blue to be seen
Under the thick-thatched branches green.

Twilight came; silence came;
The plant of Evening's silver flame;
By darkening paths I wandered through
Thickets trembling with drops of dew.

But the music is lost and the words are gone
Of the song I sang as I sat along,
Ages and Ages have fallen on me -
On the wood and the pool and the elder tree.

Walter de la Mare

For more enchanting E's visit ABC Wednesday. with thanks to all who maintain this Extraordinary meme


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

enchantment is lovely,
thanks for the share.

Gigi Ann said...

Your post for E is truly Enchanting this week. I loved the poem, A Song of Enchantment. Thanks for such a lovely E day post.

Roger Owen Green said...

an ECLECTIC mix of enchantment; EXCELLENT.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kim, USA said...

Indeed it is very enchanting.

ABC Wednesday~E

Sylvia K said...

Thank you for sharing the Enchantment with us today! Such exquisite pictures and beautiful words! I love the poem! And I hope the rest of your week is excellent and enchanting!


Vinay Leo R. said...

the images itself are enchanting :) :D

jabblog said...

Amen! Amen! Amen! Let us never lose the curiosity and delight in simple things for then we truly lose interest in life.

Carver said...

This was such an enchanting and beautiful post for the letter E. Excellent!

Reader Wil said...

Excellent and enchanting as well! You found really enchanting pictures and the right quotations. I also love the poem. Thanks for sharing!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Greetings from the Land of Enchantment (New Mexico). Yes, we should keep enchantment in our lives and you've provided the reminder that we need to do so!

photowannabe said...

A very enchanting post. I love the classical artwork and the quotes. Quite lovely.

Annelie said...

What a beautiful post! Mmmmm.....
enjoyable indeed!

Annelie E
ABC Wednesday Team

Verna Luga said...

marvelous ... enchantment such a mysterious word ...

My ABC Wednesday here

Cheryl said...

Enchanting artwork and words. You did a great job showing us your E.

EG CameraGirl said...

Enchantment is a magical word, isn't it? I sure do hope I can keep at least some of the enchantment of childhood for a long while to come. Taking photos helps. :)

Joy said...

Wonderful words and pictures. A very evocative word, with all its meanings. Under an enchantment would be my favourite with its reminders of folk tales.

Joy said...

Wonderful words and pictures. A very evocative word, with all its meanings. Under an enchantment would be my favourite with its reminders of folk tales.

VioletSky said...

perfect post for some enchanted evening.

Jay said...

Lovely post - we all need a little enchantment in our lives!

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes! Indeed!