Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ABC Wednesday

The letter this week is W

And I have turned to Sesame Street once again and one of their interpretations of the Letter W.


If you want to hear about more of the wonderful letters that start with W, like wind and wave and who and why and where and whither make your Way to to ABC Wednesday, Which is found Here.


Sylvia K said...

Ah, no one does it better than Sesame Street! What a fun one for the W day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Beverley Baird said...

Love it! I love your take on the letter W! Great post!
(and I do love Sesame Street!)

Roger Owen Green said...

you can use The Street anytime.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful wonderful Sesame Street - where would we be without them? Nice post!!

photowannabe said...

I remember watching this one with my boys. They certainly had great writers.

Changnoi said...

That WAS fun!

Stan Ski said...

What an enjoyable W post.

Megan, Life Revamped said...

Love this!

...come and check out my ABC today if you find the time!

have a beautiful day!


P.S. now following, won't you follow me back? :) (hugs)

Wanda said...

My kids learned their alphabet with Sesame Street.....Thanks for the memories.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Brilliant - inspired to think of Sesame Street to provide such fun for W. So cleverly done too. I always used to love watching Sesame Street with my children. Not sure if it is still shown here now. I did enjoy your take on W - thank you. A x

Reader Wil said...

Brilliant! What a wonderful video! I love Sesame Street and often watch it, but then in Dutch with other funny situations! Have a great Wednesday!

Rune Eide said...

Absolutely one for L for Laughs!!

Dimple said...

What a wonderful way to work with the letter 'W'.