Tuesday, December 08, 2009

ABC Wednesday

U is for Ulster

Ulster. A style of long, loose overcoat, worn by both men and women, originally made of frieze cloth at Ulster, Ireland. The peculiarity of this coat is that it is cut almost straight for both sexes, reaching very nearly to the feet, and is sometimes girded with a belt; it frequently has a hood or cape. Also called a great coat. from the dictionary for dry goods

I have read in other places that the ulster was a practical item of clothing, - sturdy and used mainly for work. However, these fellows look quite dashing, and I can imagine them as late 19th century bankers.

My father wore an Ulster when I was growing up. A more modern type, without the cape. He looked almost as elegant as Anthony Eden, shown here in his mid-century Ulster and looking UTTERLY UTTERLY ELEGANT.

This Ulster would be referred to as a 'bespoke' garment these days.

The working men of the plains wear a type of Ulster, which they call a 'duster'. It serves to protect their legs while riding, and gives some warmth, as well as looking dashingly romantic as they ride off into the west, ulster/duster flying out behind them... Doc Holliday wore an Ulster, and called it by that name.

U is an interesting letter, and for more postings skip over to ABC Wednesday here, and see what is on offer, with many thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt.


Tumblewords: said...

I remember having a 'duster' some time back and was thinking about it the other day. Excellent and informative U!

Sylvia K said...

I remember my father wearing a coat like that! Fun post for the day!



Two Barking Dogs said...

I love the cowboy duster .. very nice!

Mine is at:


Reader Wil said...

Well that was new to me. I knew of course that an ulster was a kind of coat, but I didn't know what it looked like! Thanks for the information and the accompanying photos!

jabblog said...

What an interesting and informative post. 'Duster' coats were fashionable for women a few decades ago.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

well well, I've never heard of an "ulster" coat before - I had an overcoat that was called an "inverness" once.

Joy said...

Never knew that was called an Ulster. Looks lovely and warm.

Roger Owen Green said...

Never heard of Ulster coat. But it occurred to me that I could do an Ulster post, since I lived in Ulster County, NY for six years!

Q said...

Thank you for a creative and informative U post!
The ulster is so elegant.

Ingrid said...

What an interesting finding of U ! I know them of course and the one of the last picture is the same my husband has got from our son when he went to Australia.

Jay said...

I remember men wearing Ulsters, but I didn't know that the "duster" of the West was the same garment! Interesting!

Dimple said...

Thanks for an interesting post! I had heard of greatcoats, but not that they were ulsters, and I had no idea that dusters were the same things.

Cousin Jane said...

What an interesting bit of information! You know I really enjoy your blog. It is always interesting reading--your thoughts and the details of life in the beautiful Similkameen Valley are always a joy and the great pictures you include make it even more fun.