I hesitated as I gave some attention to the things that keep me going, day by day.
I answered with the obvious - I am getting so slow that it really doesn't take a great number of activities to fill my day. But I finally realized that my interrogator, being a Crafty soul, was referring to what creative things I was doing with my hands?
Oh yes, - what is it that is keeping me busy these days! Creatively busy?
There is that pair of socks that need both toes finished before they can be washed and given to one of the guys.

And there is a warp on my loom with approximately one yard woven with silk ribbons cut from salvaged blouses, meant to be made into tote bags for young, trendy granddaughters, or fine thin durys, or place mats....

There are the Handwoven and Spin-Off magazines that come with regularity and fill me with inspiration as I spend random half hours being filled with enthusiasm.
I am not sure if this can be classed as creative, but there is my casual job as Go-fer. It does require a degree of concentration and creative thinking...
There are half a dozen Christmas aprons which I cut out half a dozen years ago, intending to present them as stocking stuffers. They are neatly packaged with all their parts together and live in a basket a-top a shelf in the Collective Room! Next to my sewing machine so that if I am suddenly moved to finish them it will be in close proximity.

a free pattern from Phyllis Dobbs
And then it takes time to keep a close eye on my stash of wool and weaving equipment, - it requires sorting through at regular intervals, sighing all the while....
Oh yes, I have a bobbin half full of spun wool on the spinning wheel, and two bags of roving still to spin.... - the thread hangs desultorily from the orifice, tugging at me every time I pass it, but I have grown indifferent and cold hearted, alas...
I'm not sure why I wasn't completely honest. I should have said I spend most of my evenings on the computer listening to music, and all my creative handwork has fallen by the wayside while I google and surf and explore the most delightful and interesting blogs. I am filling my head with knowledge, - some of it frivolous, some of it of interest and some of it even of great importance as it sets my mind along its creative path.
But my friend is not intimate with computers, and so we talked of knitting mittens and baby outfits and hemming tablecloths.
She did, however, waken in me a longing to make something beautiful in its practicality, but it may be only a temporary aberration.
Your posts already add great beauty to our days!!
I almost skipped this one because I'm not crafty at all, but am glad I didn't. Loved your description of retired days. I never know where all hte hours go!
The illustration of the sheep reminds me of myself!! I seem to be constantly knitting at the moment. Too many beautiful wools have caught my eye! And, as we all know, Christmas is on the way!!
Even though I am not a "crafty" person, this post really resonates with me. So many other projects and interests are left gasping to be noticed while I sit and blog and read and learn and dream...
It is nearly impossible to explain to anyone who has not already been drawn by the glowof the screen.
How I loved reading on to each item on your list! It fills me with delight to hear I am not alone in those projects, hobbies, crafts that sit waiting for my attention. What a fun posting Hildred. I loved hearing about your projects.
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