Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Similkameen Skies - pictures from the past.

Look to wonderful world wide skies by clicking here.


eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky photos and perfect for skywatch. I also love your header photo, it is so pretty.

LV said...

It does not matter when you took the pictures, they are still very pretty. Job well done.

Barb said...

Those fascinating Similkameen Skies! I always like to see the mountain peeking up at them. PS Hildred - it may snow here in CO tomorrow so I'm thinking orange muffins again (or maybe I'll try making the recipe into a bread).

April said...

Stunning pictures of the skies past! I also love your header picture - you caught the light beautifully!

hetty said...

Beautiful sky photos! Your header is also lovely.

Anonymous said...

What wondrous skies! Fantastic play of lighting

Japa said...

Wonderful sky shots.