S is for Summerland

The very name conjures up a most magical place; a perfect home town with orchards and wineries and beaches and sunshine. Situated between Kelowna and Penticton at the south end of Okanagan Lake both Upper and Lower Summerland have grown more sophisticated since I first traveled the narrow windy road from Penticton, past the towering clay cliffs and the Giant's Head that sits atop the town's own mountain.

Summerland is a vibrant, friendly town, rich in early history, artistry and a fine sense of community.
It has a colourful old Steam Engine that takes passengers on two hour jaunts along the old original CPR track that went through Falder, Princeton and on to the Coast. A number of times during the summer the touristy passengers are treated to a wild west Great Train Robbery by a band of friendly outlaws. If you want to be part of this scheduled event Google it, make reservations and join in the fun.

If I wasn't so happy in the Similkameen I could quite nicely live in Summerland, thank you....
For more interesting and enjoyable posts on the letter S click here. - with thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and her helpers.
What a fun, delightful post and such an interesting place! Terrific photos!
Have a great day/evening!
I like your steam train as well! Great photo
Anyplace with cool trains is all right by me...
Summerland not only sounds like a wonderful place, it looks like one, too! I'd love to see it. Super S!
What a wonderful town! It reminds me of days gone by! I love your post! I love how you write! Very pretty!
We have an old fashion steam engine train locally that takes you from one town over to a pumpkin farm at another town...but we miss out on the excitement of train robbers, sounds like fun!
sensational :)
Well that was a nice trip!! Thank you! Have a great time and a pleasant week!
Most interesting post! What fun to be part of an outlaw attack!
This sounds like a delightful place full of history and beauty. Thanks for giving us a glimpse.
Summerland conjures up such pleasant images Hildred that I would imagine everyone would love to live there.
Sounds a delightful place. I liked the link with the quote of "summer weather forever", I can only dream, LOL.
Summerland IS a beautiful place - we drove through last June on our way home to greater Vancouver. We might be in Peachland for Christmas, too.
Oh, what fun that would be!! We're hoping to come back to Vancouver at some time in the next year or so. I'll have to see if we can get up to Summerland and get robbed on the train! :D
Summerland and steam trains - great post!
We were out tonight to listen to some folk singers and I met the main brakeman on the Kettle Valley Steam Train, - he has invited all of you to come for a spin on the Great Robbery Run! Watch for further information...thank you to all for stopping by.
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