Thursday, August 20, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

Similkameen skies from the past.....

July 1st, 2007

The 17th of August, 2008. A lovely evening for skies, - here are two more from the same day.

There are all sorts of marvelous skies from all over the world, - hop on over to Skywatch Friday and treat yourself to some wonderful photos.


Jim said...

great skies
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Regina said...

Glorious and amazing skies!

3c said...

The top two are like paintings.

It's never-endingly astonishing how the sky can go through so many moods in one day.

Fun, also, to think that we are all sharing the one sky (sort of!) however different it may manage to look in different places.

Rajesh said...

Marvelous sky shots.

magiceye said...

superb shots all!!!!

jabblog said...

Wonderful skies - such colours and contrasts

Eric SomeSkyMoments said...

Some nice dramatic skies here, love them, well done!!

Have a nice SWF.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Never tire of skies Hildred - they always sooth the soul.

Carol said...

OH, these are beautiful skies...I love the dark dramatic shots...and the last shot with the strip of light holding back the dark pretty

April said...

Wonderful pictures of past skies! I like the one with the lovely trees etched against the sky - nice colours.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely skies! Pretty colours.

Barb said...

Whether brooding or pastel, your skies are always mesmerizing. Have a good weekend, Hildred.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Every one of these are gorgeous! Nice job here-

Dimple said...

Thanks for visiting!

Amanda said...

I love the photos with all the colors in the clouds. Almost looks like a view of space.

Sally in WA said...

Lovely skies.

Hildred said...

I think the mountains have a great deal to do with the wonderful variety of skies we have here, - October is a spectacular month usually and I am looking forward to it.