What a fascinating evening I've been having, - starting from scratch and experimenting with all the software facets that instantly change a photo to a picture. I am endlessly intrigued....
This is one of the advantages of being ancient, - you have had the childhood wonder of discovery, and now you have the senior moments of amazement.
Here is a little bit of garden, as seen through the artistic eye of the camera.

The hollyhocks, watercoloured and crosshatched...

Some lilies, backed up by the great greenery of the barn flower.

A rosebud, enhanced...

And sometimes you get lucky and the loveliness of the 'picture' comes straight out of the Camera...

So much to learn and enjoy, - if time were only endless!
Beautiful photographs Hildred - I am having fun with photo collages too - as you say - getting old has its compensations (remind me again what they are!!!)
Time is what we make of it - it can be endless, if only in our minds and hearts. (At least that's what I hope...)
Love your photos - both enhanced and untouched.
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